TJ Sagoo Transportation provides aggregate, sand and gravel transportation. Safety is #1.

Safety at TJ Sagoo Transportation is #1

Safety is our highest priority at TJ Sagoo Trucking. This goes without question.

The safety of both our employees and customers will always remain our primary focus in all policies.  This includes our procedures and programs that govern our business. As safety is the biggest responsibility for our organization, we strive to:

– maintain high standards of a safe workplace withing our organization
– provide a safe working environment for our employees and customers
– abide by all company policies and procedures
– adhere to local, provincial and national safety, health and environmental laws and regulations
– insist on a commitment to safety from all employees at all levels within the company.

Safety is the highest priority with TJ Sagoo Transportation.

All employees proudly perform their jobs in accordance with established procedures and safe work practices. As well, all employees at TJ Sagoo Trucking are trained and certified in various fields on a continuous basis such as: TDG, WHMIS, H2S Alive, IRP, First Aid, CPR, and Respiratory Protection. We actively participate in and support industry and government safety initiative programs. Managing and working with a commitment to this principle will contribute to the improved efficiency of our operations. By doing so, we ensure future success and continued prosperity of our employees, customers, company and communities.

Should you have any questions about our policies, services or to request a quote, contact us today!